The Action Plan

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Step One: Conduct a Survey
-A study of the history of and motivation for business charity to set the stage for encouraging business giving based on “enlightened self interest” – a company prospering by helping others.
-The emphasis will be on to what extent business giving is more consistent with the aims of the giver, as well as more plentiful, effective & permanent, if it is in the giver’s best interests and produces:

  1. better qualified, more reliable, more loyal and more productive employees,
  2. uniquely powerful marketing opportunities, and
  3. A more prosperous community and economy.

The result can be:

  1. an expanding supply of increasingly meaningful jobs
  2. a better life for the beneficiaries, all to the betterment of the company, community and nation.

Step Two: encourage Charity Consistent with the Free Enterprise System by:

  1. quantifying the extent that businesses have flourished due to adoption of this win/win policy
  2. as a way to encourage others to follow this uniquely American means of economic progress,
  3. and then create a strategic plan to help more businesses implement the business strategy.

Step Three: Eliminate violation of Donor Intent through showing that if the funding entity is the business which creates the funds, then two benefits result:

  1. the motivation to continue funding is permanent,
  2. the risk of donor intent being abridged is far lower.

Means of Achieving the Goal – a Step by Step Business Strategy we are developing:

  1. Publish a BOOK demonstrating the benefits of Opportunity Economics utilized by Free Marketeers through profiles of successful users of the practices.
  2. Produce a “REALITY TV SHOW” and MOVIES which show Free Marketeers in action.
  3. Urge Business owners to advocate Opportunity Economics policies to their employees, customers and suppliers
  4. Urge successful business owners to pitch Opportunity Economics to high school and college students through being mentors, guest lecturers and adjunct professors.
  5. Pursue a A COMMUNITY WIDE DEMONSTRATION in which all businesses adopt the Opportunity Economics and Free Marketeer model, and urge other communities to emulate it.
  6. Host an annual conference in Orlando Florida where Free Marketeers work together to expand their impact.