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Step One: Conduct a Survey-A study of the history of and motivation for business charity to set the stage for encouraging business giving based on “enlightened self interest” – a company prospering by helping others.
-The emphasis will be on to what extent business giving is more consistent with the aims of the giver, as well as more plentiful, effective & permanent, if it is in the giver’s best interests and produces:
- better qualified, more reliable, more loyal and more productive employees,
- uniquely powerful marketing opportunities, and
- A more prosperous community and economy.
The result can be:
- an expanding supply of increasingly meaningful jobs
- a better life for the beneficiaries, all to the betterment of the company, community and nation.
Step Two: encourage Charity Consistent with the Free Enterprise System by:
- quantifying the extent that businesses have flourished due to adoption of this win/win policy
- as a way to encourage others to follow this uniquely American means of economic progress,
- and then create a strategic plan to help more businesses implement the business strategy.
Step Three: Eliminate violation of Donor Intent through showing that if the funding entity is the business which creates the funds, then two benefits result:
- the motivation to continue funding is permanent,
- the risk of donor intent being abridged is far lower.
Means of Achieving the Goal – a Step by Step Business Strategy we are developing:
- Publish a BOOK demonstrating the benefits of Opportunity Economics utilized by Free Marketeers through profiles of successful users of the practices.
- Produce a “REALITY TV SHOW” and MOVIES which show Free Marketeers in action.
- Urge Business owners to advocate Opportunity Economics policies to their employees, customers and suppliers
- Urge successful business owners to pitch Opportunity Economics to high school and college students through being mentors, guest lecturers and adjunct professors.
- Pursue a A COMMUNITY WIDE DEMONSTRATION in which all businesses adopt the Opportunity Economics and Free Marketeer model, and urge other communities to emulate it.
- Host an annual conference in Orlando Florida where Free Marketeers work together to expand their impact.